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 Jamie Maxim

Jamie grew up in Cuba, NY, a small town about 2 hours south of Buffalo. From childhood he attended church with his family but he did not walk with Christ while growing up. He immersed himself in school and sports. When it came time to select a college he chose Ball State because he wanted to become an Athletic Trainer. God had other plans. At Ball State Jamie came to faith in Jesus Christ and he met his beautiful wife Angie. In college, God gave Jamie a passion for God’s Word and he started to discern his calling into full-time ministry.

After graduation, Jamie and Angie were married.  About 8 years later Jamie received theological training at the Sovereign Grace Pastors College. He then served in various pastoral roles in 3 different churches over the next 10 years, before the Lord led him to plant a church in St. Joseph, Michigan.  Jamie has 4 children.

To connect with Jamie, feel free to email

To hear any of Pastor Jamie's past messages check out our Teaching page.