If you have a need, we want to know how we can help you.

You can fill out our Connect Card or email us.

2-1-1 is free and confidential to all users. All 2-1-1 staff are professional, trained, and follow national standards of excellence. The 2-1-1 staff are not counselors or therapists, but they are trained to refer crisis calls to appropriate resources such as crisis centers, clinicians, or 9-1-1 rescue services in life-threatening cases. In a life-threatening emergency, always dial 9-1-1 first.

Area Agency on Aging’s Resource Hub is a place to go to get accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. This friendly, welcoming place is where anyone – individuals, concerned families or friends, or professionals – can go for information tailored to their situation.

LifePlan in Benton Harbor has various needs as they serve families in need.

Please continue to pray for the gospel ministry of LifePlan. If you would like to learn more about what LifePlan is doing or if you feel led to support them financially please click here.

Emergency Shelter Services

The local homeless shelter has contacted us with a list of specific needs:

  1. Disposable masks (if you can find them; the shelter has cloth masks available, but some ladies with asthma have a more difficult time breathing through the cloth masks vs. disposables)

  2. Cleaning supplies (they are cleaning all day long)

  3. Disposable gloves (specifically large and XL)

  4. Laundry detergent

  5. Feminine and baby (diapers & wipes) hygiene supplies

  6. Body wash

Please ship donations to: Traci Burton, 870 Colfax Avenue Benton Harbor, MI 49022

The Benton Harbor Soup Kitchen is looking for monetary donations to help sustain their service to the community. For more information about the soup kitchen, click the button to access a Q&A document. Click their logo to visit their website.

PACE of SWMI is still taking referrals and enrolling elders into their programs.

 Although the day center is currently closed due to COVID-19; PACE is still providing all of their other services such as meal distribution/preparation, transportation to medical appointments, therapy services, PCP services, home care/chore providers, hand-delivery of medications to home, life alert buttons, incontinence supplies and other types of DME, among many other benefits. PACE services are free for people that have Medicaid, and if they do not have Medicaid but qualify, PACE has staff that assist with the fast-tracked application process.

For more information regarding PACE’s services, or how to help during the COVID-19 pandemic, please click the buttons to the left.

Need for Great Commission Collective Church in India

Last week a cyclone hit the community of Chennai, India. A church from our network there has been greatly affected with the severe flooding - up to 5-6 feet of water in the church and sewage mixed with the water.  The Pastor’s home is ok, but their car was crushed by a tree. The immediate financial need is for food, sanitizer, and mosquito repellant. There will eventually be longer-term needs as the church roof is giving way and many homes of members are uninhabitable as well. To see some pictures and a video, visit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1scBT0zDhunS0b9OgUSXOM0J_lXXUuMBj?usp=sharing

If you are able to help in addition to your regular tithes and offerings, you can give to the "Church Relief Fund" for when these kinds of emergencies come up. People can give at gccollective.org/give and should choose the "International Fund," and then put "Relief" in the memo/notes section.

Caring Connection

*Empowerment Center: For Survivors of Domestic and Sexual violence

*Safe and Secure: Serving abused Elders and Vulnerable Individuals

*Adult Day Centers

*Guardianship: Representative Payee, Advocacy, and Legal Guardianship